About the project

The Trust and Tay Salmon Fisheries in partnership with the Scottish Bio Fuels Programme commissioned a study of the Tay reed beds.

The report provides an analysis of the potential for the reed beds to provide a commercially sustainable source of biomass. The bio fuel consists of reed, willow and driftwood. An estimate is provided of the maximum biomass volume that could theoretically grow or be harvested on the River Tay in each year. In principle harvesting of the reed is feasible, providing increased management of the reed bed with 30-50% being harvested.

The aim was to explore the potential to harvest the bio-mass material on the river, transport it on the river and market it to customers in close proximity to the river. Any income raised could be re-invested to help manage and regenerate the river.

With the support of partners it is hoped that the study recommendations can be progressed including undertaking wider consultation with stakeholders and a business case.

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